Thursday, December 28, 2006


well, for starters i'd like to say, i hope everyone had a fabulous, safe, and just plain wonderful Christmas. and now, i'd like to address an issue i have been thinking about. for Christmas i asked for one, simple practical present, did i get this present? yes, i did...but what else did i get? everything. i asked for a spice rack, i knew i was getting it, its very nice and i love it. but then on top of that my parents got me a digital camera, and an mp3 player, also soo many things like a blow dryer, and straightner, a game, clothes, candy, chocolate and other things. my brother got me a dvd player and a camera dock, my other brother got me pjs-2 sets, and the passion of the Christ dvd, amanda got me a sweet box of candles...big nice ones and makeup, mandy got me a rather expencive seeming scarf and mitts from garage, i got a necklace, towels, fuzzy socks, a massager, and other things from other friends and family...and im i need all this stuff? dont get me wrong, im gratefull, i cant believe people spent this much on me. i love everything i GOT for Christmas, but do i need it all? even the spice rack i wanted so badly...did i really NEED it? every year its the same thing, people ask other people " what did you GET for Christmas?" is it all about the getting? should it even be about the giving? i have a friend who has spent all their money, and maxed out their cards and still felt they should have bought more...MORE. what is all this about? so, is all the giving a representation of what God gave us? He gave us a we give presents? if this is true..i guess i can understand, but God gave us what we needed and Christmas has become about giving what we think the person might WANT... i love Christmas, i think its fun, but how much is too much? do people really expect us to go deeply into debt to get them that new game system, the extra clothes, and the chocolates? Christmas is fun, and i like all the things all these wonderful people gave me, and i hope they like what i gave them too. i know nothing will change next year, people will still spend, people will still get what they WANT, but maybe we can think about the amazing gift God gave us, the gift thats worth so much more than a playstation or an mp3 player or even a new lap top, Jesus. the greatest gift of all folks...the only one we really NEED, and no one can top it, not even with their credit cards. thank you LORD, my salvation, my all in all, my favorite gift.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


...its almost Christmas, thats fabulous! i need a job please pray for me. avery found his christmas present today lol a buzz lightyear video game:S lol but at least he likes it. umm..oh my dad has high cholesteral...weird cuz hes skinny, but they said its genetic, diet cant control it...sooo yeah yet another thing im prolly going to die of:P anyway...ok somy parents anniversary party was a big success:) thats good since it was pretty much my grandmas dying request:S. we had them a little second wedding and it was sooo fun:) grandma has been gone for a month and 3 days now im finally starting to be ok....and least oker:) i miss her incredibally...its crazy..and grandpa is so sick too...its scarey. we are having Christmas pretty much the same as thats something to look forward to except for we will all miss grandma sooo much. anyway i hope all is well with you all:) please keep us in your prayers:) and remember to keep Jesus number one this Christmas, after all it is His birthday celebration:) and He is awesome!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

big word bull...

why do people use big words to describe things? why do so called "thinkers" really just come up with a long way of saying something people already know? and what is philosophy? i was recently sent this message

"been reading a great bk by martin buber "i and thou" ..... a classic philosophy/religion text...on connectedness:"Egos appear by setting themselves apart from other egos.Persons appear by entering into relation to other persons.One is the spiritual form of natural differentiation, the other that of natural association.The purpose of setting oneself apart is to experience and use, and the purpose of that is "living" - which means dying one human life long.The purpose of relation is the relation itself - touching the You. For as soon as we touch a You, we are touched by a breath of eternal life." p.112-3i like many things here...for e.g. that it is the relation that is key....not what it is "producing", what i am "getting" "out of IT", etc. But rather - it is the inter-act-i-on that is the "goal" [not that that is the goal] - to KNOW another, to know one-self, and ones-self...and the relation between these.But I see little of that today - rather it's treating the other like a he/she/it/object - looking for full-fill-ment from the other, and when that doesn't "produce", anxiety results, and either anger or withdrawal comes forth or "is produced".thots?"

now, what the heck?? my thought...who cares? thats right who cares. all those words to say what...ask not what they can do for you but what you can do for them? mm hmm...put others b4 your self...ok... touching the "YOU" LOL yeah ok if you touch my "YOU" i'll smack you. good grief...can anyone make sense of this? cuz all i think is...hey whitey stop thinking, go outside, play ball and get a tan!... theses "thinkers" sure think they are smart...but are they? think if the wrote an essay, a normal persons would be 6 pages, theirs would be 400 just cuz they feel the need to share their "genius thoughts". or trying too hard?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hurt by johnny cash

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Friday, November 10, 2006

she is gone.

its all over now. grandma passed this morning at 4. death seemed so peacefull after all the painfull dying. still its so very sad. only 66. please keep my family in your prayers. the memorial is monday visitation at 1 pm until 2, and then the service and to the cemetary and back to grandpa's house after. the visitation is at nisbetts in peterborough. thank you for your prayers.

God's plans never mess us up. its when we confuse our plans with His and thikn our are better. they never are. i know God is in control, and even though it hurts really bad to know my grandma isn't here, i trust God was fair with her, and i know that she had alot of prayers, and heard His Word a lot over the past month. i miss my grandma terribly, infact it doens't feel real, like at the time it felt like maybe she was just sleeping, or like it wasn't her and she was gogin to walk into the room. but God has kept me strong. God is amazing, and gives us exactly what we need. i am so glad i was there with her when she died. plese keep praying for us.

Friday, November 03, 2006

grandparents and good friends

ok i'll start with my grandma, she is on a morphine pump now for pain, the pills weren't cutting it anymore. she is still going down hill, so keep her and our family in your prayers.

my grandpa, well there is nothing else they can do for him now. he is on chemo pill, but eventually the cancer will just smash through the chemo pill and keep growing. the doctor told him to live everyday like its his last because it very well could be. this is very very hard. he has done so well, but there is jsut nothing else they can do now. on the bright side, he got his fake teeth, and he looks very handsome:) he even got a new hat, a flat top kind, its so cute:) please keep him in your pryaers as well.

i also thought i'd add thet my cousin totalled her mom's car last night, rolled it...but her and her friend are ok :) thank the LORD:)

now the good friends part. i was talking to jilly today:) i love her, memories are so fabulous! i love all of my friends, and i am so glad you are part of my life, even if i dont get to see you often, i appreciate you greatly:) thank you so much for your prayers, and for all the memories we have shared:) i am very fortunate to have met all of you. (hugs)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


ok, hasn't been easy. watching someone slowly die is horrible. my grandma is soo sick. she doesn't have much time left. she rambles about stuff and makes no sense. i stayed there last night and she woke me up a lot. she woke me up at 6 am yelling because she said she needed water...but i think it was just because she wanted to make sure someone was there. its so crazy. she wants me to stay there everynight, though i am not sure if i will. it is a scarey thought to think i could be there alone with her when she dies. the faither healer was in tehre yesterday...that was interesting. just please pray for me and for my family. i am terrified to be there alone with her, but i have to if they need me, because i couldn't possibly be more affraid of wathcing her die than she is of dying. i am so stressed out, and i can't even imagine what its goign to be like when she goes...its just...not cool to think about even though i woudl rather her go soon because she is in a lot of pain, she isn't with it, she can bearly swallow, and she doens't have bowel movements anymore. i know GOD IS IN CONTROL. but im still please pray for me, and for my family that is going to be completely devestated when she goes, especailly for my grandpa because he has leukemia, and although he looks great and all they don't know what to do with him so pleade pray for more treatments and that he can make it through her death. ach that sucks to even say. just please pray a lot.

on a bright note, i have been reading "the hiding place" by corrie tenboom, and i woudl reccomend it to EVERYONE. its amazing, just absolutely amazing. thank you all for everything(hugs)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

i like this band a lot now.

"Lips Of An Angel"

honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now
Honey why are you crying is everything okay
I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And yes I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweetComing from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweetComing from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
(And I never wanna say goodbye)
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
honey why you calling me so late?

Monday, October 02, 2006

updating is hard, thats why i don't do it. i was living at my grandparent's house, taking care of my grandma, but she is in the hospital now...which is sad. a man died when i was there today and it was like a preview of whats to come. she just slept the whole time and twitched a lot, and in her sleep said "i'm home". so horrible. she doesn't eat now, so it wont be too much longer before she dies...and i don't know how any of us are goign to deal with that especially my deathly ill grandfather. please keep us all in your prayers. this is so hard. i dont even want to write any of it down cuz it makes it very real. honestly im scared. just pary for my family, and please also pray for my relationship with God which for like 2 months was non existant. im doing a bit better now, at least i care now, and want to change, and live for Him again, but i know i can't do it alone, i need him to help me A LOT. so please pray:) and thank you all for all your prayers. and for your love, i love you guys. hmm i should put somethign good in here too...although me wanting to live for God again is super good, ok good, me and my mom are getting along pretty well now, since i stayed with grandma my parents keep telling me they are proud of me, and my dad told my brother he is giving me the car so thats cool:)


p.p.s. sometimes when you think things are just about you, God sends a little someone your way, and you can't help but smile.:) thanks girlie, for trusting me.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

pray time please

things are just getting really hard, and everything is confusing. i dont think i have every felt so many emotions at once before. my grandma has about a month left i think, and so thats rough. also all my emotions about other people and other things, my grandpa being so sick, and my brother almost dying, and amanda and jeffrey breaking up, and some other things....its just too hard. everything seems too hard. i think i have pretty much just given up because i just cant deal with things alone anymore. so please pray for me, and for my family because they are so stressed out trying to make all the final arrangements with my grandma and cleaning out the house and stuff. pretty much right now nothing means anything, i often hate everything and everyone, and i don't even cry anymore its just like...fine i give up. i have a hard time trusting anyone all...and so thats proving to be a huge challenge right now. i have no idea what i want to do with my life, i have no job right now, and most days i don't even want to go out of my room. i have noticed that i really care what people think now, and that bothers me a lot. it like actualy makes me sad when people don't like me...even if their reasons are retarded. i feel totally inadequate. i never felt like this before, i coudn't have cared less what people thought of me. it just feels like everything is caving in around me, and i just don't care enough to fight anymore. i just give up. and i feel stupid all the time. so plese pray for me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

yet another reason to not have kids?

"i think when the woman gets her period, and then the man goes over and has sex with just guessing" that is a quote from my 7 year old cousin....ha....explaining sex and babbies to my 10 year old cousin today... they thought today is the day we should know about sex and babbies... so i was asked sooo many questions...i tried chaning the subject many times, and it finally worked after what felt like forever! even the 3 year old had imput...they are farmers so they have seen calves be born, and lucas said, "the baby comes out of the cows bum"...good grief....why do people have kids? they jsut get lice and wanna' know about sex:S:S ha...ok well maybe i still want them...but thik lice are bad val....wait until the sex questions "does the boys weinner go in the girls weinner"? ahhhhh what the heck do ya' say to that? i of course laughed and went and called my mother:S.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

lice: a good reason to not have children.

well my aunts kids got lice. and since im home with them allll day long, i had to be the one picking dirty nasty little bugs and eggs out of their freaking nice for me. i don't even have kids yet...and sitll i had to pick lice. so, i smell. thats right i smell. like tea tree oil, it repels them. so i washed my hair in it. also....its killer on your hair, but at least i dind't get lice, and i am pretty sure i got rid of the kids. when i left tonight there wasn't a nit i could see...go me...super babysitter. so, i put olive oil, for 2 hours, then picked out bugs nad nits, and then washed it with dish soap and then with tea tree oil shampoo with extra drops added. them little nasty bugs had better be dead out of the kids hair...i did that 2 days in a row...oh how! ok so, people who want to be parents someday....remember...lice are out don't let your kids have friends....they jsut give them bugs. and remember how sad it is to hold a three year olds head under the faucet while he is balling his eyes out...and remember you ahve to pick bugs while he balls his eyes out....poor little fella's. ok, so maybe its still worth it to have kids....but it is pretty icky. i am home now though, and in a lice free zone, still smelling, and no longer picking bugs! for the record...rachel was right...they are the size of seseme seeds...ew. hope you all are doing well. :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

terrific job!

KILL-FLOOR Person required, will train. Serious applicants only need apply in person. Little Britain Meat Packers or call 705-786-2101. Fax application to 705-786-2151.

the coolest job posting ever. i stumbled accross it while looking for a how hilarious!

Friday, August 11, 2006

so, do you ever get into a situation where you have to defend God, and you suddenly realize what a horrible hypocrit you are? yeah well that was me tonight. so in light of this situation, i ask for prayers for myself, and the person i was talking with, and i would like to leave you with these lyrics:

Kutless - Draw Me Close Lyrics
Draw me close to you
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear you say that I'm your friend
Help me find a way to bring me back to you
You're all I want, You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want,
Help me know you are near
You are my desire
No one else will do
Cause no one else
Can take you place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find a way to bring me back to you
You're all I want, You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want,
Help me know you are near

also please pray for my grandparents still. grandpa is in TO having an experimental drug because his cancer is back and he can't take anymore chemo, and my grandma could die any day i think....i mean i would guess her to have a month left, but...i don't know...they don't leave her alone please pray for my family, and for their salvation. thank you.

Monday, July 31, 2006


well this week was fairly brutal. first off, my brother's girlfriend broke up with him. this was monday and he was just toatlly wrecked. he was balling his eyes out while laying on my mom's bed with my mom holding him. this was something i hadn't seen before....and its not like we don't know loss, a lot of our friends have died but i have never witnessed a reaction like this from him before. i of course balled my eyes out a lot. i love her so much and her 3 year old son, and i missed them the second i found out. they are now, back together. the breakup only lasted a couple of days, and they were back together friday evening. i have a feeling things will be better now than ever, because she is oging to talk to him instead of push him away wehn things aren't right. so then i got to stop crying and my blood pressure returned to normal. and today i got to see her and give her a big i love that girl. anyway, on wednesday we found out that my grandma only has maybe a month, or maybe more to live...not long anyway. the cancer had gone crazy in her and spread everywhere, including more on her liver. she is taking a chemo pill that will hopefully shrink the big ones enough to make her more comfortable so that she can die with a little less pain. that seems kinda' sucky to me...pretty freaking sad. anyway, things are looking a bit better here now, aside from my grandma. my grandpa will be taking some sort of experimental cancer drug in a couple weeks. he will be the first man in canada to get it so thats pretty cool. please keep them and us in your prayers. anyway i hope all your lives are going well. keep growing:) love you all.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


thank you if anyone prayed.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

prayer please

my family is going through some really difficult things right now...please pray for us...a lot...please, especially my brother who is 21, as well as my grandparents, thank you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

baby st john has arrived!

well julie had her baby! it was a boy of course, and i assume his name is still dradon. he weighed 10 pounds!!! they induced her yesterday morning cuz they knew he was goign to be big, and he just wasn't comming out so they did a c section last night after 10 sometime. its pretty exciting he is the first gret grandchild in our family. anyway i am at my aunt's house baby sitting, i'll prolly have more to update on thursday night when i get home. hope you are all doing well, and enjoying your summers.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

summer fun

well, this summer is shaping up to be interesting if nothing else. grandma will be starting chemo soon i think, unless its too late. grandpa is starting his new drug, but first they are pulling out all his teeth. julie still hasn't had her baby, he is a week and a day overdue. i will be at jane's house for most of the summer....pretty much everyday, its supposed to be babysitting, but in reality its making breakfast and lunch for the kids and dinner for the whole family, cleaning, laundry, baking, and the last day i was there last week she handed me this itinerary for an expencive kids camp, and asked me to do all the things with her kids that they would have been doing at camp. :S 3 boys 3, 7, and 10. working there and living there all week is just crazy and it drains me of every bit of energy i have. except that, someone asked my mom if i would put my resume in at a restaurant here. so my mom said yes i would. so if i get this job i would be working there every day that i am not working at jane's likely. so basically i will be working 24 hours a days for 3-5 days a week, and then i will come home and go to work someplace it just me or does this seem crazy? oh and before i forget, my aunt still hasn't paid me for the last week, and one day for the week before that, so i still have zero dollars. pretty sure this is going to be the worst summer ever. hope everyone else has time to take a shower and a deep breath, cuz i sure don't.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

my cooking adventure

well today i got bored, and so i decided to make chicken curry. then of course i thought well....cant eat it without naan! so today i made chicken curry and naan! i had to make the curry with noe recipe cuz i couldnt find one i liked, but it turned out fabulous! a little spicey but i took one of my pills and some tums lol and after a lot of pain it eventually felt better LOL. i made so much but have no one to share with:( thats ok though. the point is i can make it and naan! lol next time i'll try roti! anyone else have any ideas? :) hope things are well with everyone:) my dad is doing well:) i am too. keep praying for my family please.

Monday, June 19, 2006

daddy update

well my dad is doing a lot better now. he is starting to deal with it, and doens't seem to be as upset, though he still thinks he can just not have it anymore:(. tonight i let him test my blood, it was scarey but i know it made him feel good so i did it. we got him some diabetic ice cream today too, so thats good. and the doctor said today that he doens't have to up his insulin dose. so he is doing it twice a day and 10 of whatever measurment it is. i found a bunch of recipes, so thats cool. please continue to keep him in your prayers, and the rest of my family, along with amanda and her dad. thank you all so much. and a special thank you to the person i didn't think read these, and thnak you for the call:) you are a good friend. its true what people say about when you go through hard times you find out who your true friends are, and so thank you pal:) i love you all(hugs).

Friday, June 16, 2006

my daddy.

well life as i know it is about to change again. today we found out my dad has type one diabetes. i don't even fully know what that means. all i know is that the doctor said he can't work today he has to come home, and that home care is comming this afternoon. i also know it means after i stab him a few times i guess i will stop crying at the sight of needles:(. please pray for my dad, he is very very very upset. for those of you who know him you know he is in tip top shape, and has very little body fat. i know that has nothing to do with type one, but it was at least feel like its justified if he was fat. just please keep us in your prayers. and pray that nothing else bad happens to us...this is getting crazy.

please also pray for my brother's gf amanda as her dad will be passing away soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

well grandpa's cancer is back. so i guess that both of my grandparents each only have a couple months left. they are going to put my grandpa on a new drug from the states in 3 weeks...but yeah....they have have great success they say. its fairly depressing... but julie's baby will be born soon and that should lift some spirits. please keep praying for my family.

despite everything that is going on, i think i am doing fairly well. i feel like i am growing closer to God and am just doing well. i know He is in control.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

julie and adam update

so, this morning i found out that good old walmart, that so many of you for some reason hate, has handed adam a check for over 10, 000$. this of course does not include cards of employees which surely will contain money and shopping cards. half of this money is the money they raised through there bbq, their shopping spree jar, their craft sale, and the other thing i forget what it was. the other half of this check came from walmart's head office who promised to match what walmart peterborough had raised. oh, as well as about 1000$ of it came from other walmart stores who jsut wanted to help out. walmart has also donated some furniture and other things to julie and adam. also, people have been dropping off everything that they need, and had before the fire to her mom's house, where they are staying for right now. to me it is only logical that they will use the money to put a down payment down on a house, or at least some of the money. this is because most of their things have been replaced, and those things that haven't been can be by family and friends. adam is back to work now i think, or will be starting monday, or sometime soon. your prayers are definately still needed as they still do not have a place to live, but still have to pay rent on their appartment because they could not get out of their lease which runs out in augest. they are living with my aunt right now, but my aunt has a huge huge dog, half doverman and half rotwiler. this dog is constantly jumping up on julie who is very pregnant and adam with his burnt hands. the stupid thing also takes food off the counter and stove, and has learned how to open doors. they feel and i agree it is not safe to have a baby in that house, which means of course, once the baby comes they have no place to put him. so please pray that they can find a place to live, and that everything with the baby turns out well. she is due in 21 days. and to those of you who hate walmart, would your place of employment raise and handover so much money to you?

Monday, June 05, 2006


why is it that only the weirdest of weirdo's ever like me? guys, if you live 800 billion hours away, or if you are a tree hugger, if you are a druggie, or a plain old weirdo,if you have done hard time, or are going to do hard time, please i am begging you, reconsider before developing a thing for me, even before you decide to hit on me. please know that if you talk to me, i will want to smack you. as unChristian as that is, i jsut can't take it anymore. i mean really...who wants to save the whales anyway? nuke 'em.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


"hey nicole, how are you?" hmmm where should i start?
how about last weekend, may 24 long weekend...well, i was at aunt jane's house for thursday night-saterday night. i guess that would seem normal enough...except that saterday monring there was a super bad car accident on her lawn and a man died....and the kids saw as they were outside. the man stayed in the car on the lawn for 3 or 4 hours. then the corener came and the police took pictures. then as we were eating our burgers they finally started tryign to get him out, and ironically enough they had to use the jaws of "life".the kids are fairly messed up due to this incodent.
well then that evening i finally get to go home as the road has reopened. that night justin and his friends dalton and cody all stayed at their friend jakes house. at 1:10 am, while everyone was sleeping, there was a break and enter. the crazy man went to justin and dalton's room, woke them up by jumping on them and punching them in their heads, and kept them there for over an hour, telling them they have had life too easy and they need to suffer like he has. and trying to get them to go down to the river with him, while he was threatening them with a pair of pliars. the boys kept the man as calm as they could by talkign to him and asking him questions about himself, which is also how they found out his name and where he was staying. after he left the room he said he would be back, then went through the kitchen and the cupboards, and the fridge, and stole beer, and chocolate milk. after a while justin and dalton felt safe enough to wake up jake and cody, and together they woke up jake's parents, and ivy called 911. the man is being charged with break and enter, assult, and assult with a deadly weapon.
so then the week went pretty well, oh wait...did anyone hear about that appartment fire on brock street down town peterborough? oh, well there was one, yep. it was my pregnant cousin julie, and he fiance' adam's appartment. it was electrical. the smoke alarm of course, did not work. the only reason they woke up, was because the baby was kickign and kicking and so julie woke up and when she opened her eyes she couldn't see and at first she thought it was her eyes, then she realized it was smoke, and she woke up adam. he ran out into the rest of the appartment, and as soon as he opened the door the bedroom filled with smoke. he yelled at julie that they had to get out and as he was feeling his way out he bumped into a wall and has second degree burns on his hands, which may require surgery, he also has first degree burns on his face and ears. other than that and inhaling a lot of smoke which caused them to be on oxygen for 6 hours, they are all ok. the cats died, and the bird died, but the turtles are alive. everything is the appartment is gone, either burnt or destroyed by smoke. julie isn't dealing well at all. she isn't eating(not good since she is due in 34 days) and she is crying all the time. wal-mart(where adam is a manager) had a bbq todya nd i think tomorrow for them, and have jars set up in the stores to raise money for them, and 2 other walmarts from other places have donated 500$ each to them.
today i found out that my grandma may only have a couple months to live, not the year or two that was once expected.
please keep my family in your prayers, especially julie and adam and the baby. please also pray for the man who caused the accident at my aunt's house. he is only 24, and he faces a lot now that this has all happened.
to answer my own question from the start, "i am doing well:) God is in control, and He saved adam and julie and the baby from a fire, my brother from a psycho, and my cousins from being hit by the car that smashed onto their front lawn, only meters from them. praise God!"
thank you all for reading, and for your prayers.

Monday, May 15, 2006


well, last week my mom had a doctors appointment with a doctor whos job it is to diagnose weird things. so, we found out she has a weird strain of chronic fatigue syndrom. is this better or worse than ms? who knows? at least she has answers now, and she has learned there is nothing they can do to help her, except she can stay on celexa to help because chronic fatigue syndrom has to do with nerves.

on wednesday both of my grandparents have doctor's appointments again. grandma goes to st joe's in ptbo' to an oncologist to find out if there is anymore he can do for her to help prolong her life longer than the year she has been given. grandpa goes to princess margeret in TO. last time no cancer cells showed up in his bone marrow, however since they have the ability to hide he could very well have his cancer back. it would be so awesome if he went there and was told his blood was going back up on its own now that he is off the glevax(new cancer drug). please be praying that both of my grandparents get good news on wednesday.

i am doing ok. i am still not exactly healthy, but am better. i have a couple more appointments left and hopefully i am better by then, if not i have to go on pills. please be praying for me as well. i really don't wnat to have to take medication everyday for the rest of my life. spiritually i am doing a lot better. it is sad though that it takes going through hard times for me to realize i need God. why couldn't i have just realized before? it feels as though i have wasted so much time. its nice having belinda home. i miss her when she is away at school. i actually have someone to go for walks with now, its so yay!
thank you all for your prayers and i hope things are going well for you all.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

its a great day to be alive

i had a great day today:) God is awesome, and he puts amazing people in our lives. Thank you LORD! i am so thankful for my friends. i am sorry if i haven't made you all realize how much i really appreciate you. i hope you all are living your lives for God, and that you are praying for me to live mine for Him as well:)

my brother's friend's dad has cancer. he goes to kingston on wednesday. he has a huge farm and 5 kids age 10-19. please keep him in your prayers, his name is john. also please continue to pray for my grandparents, and my cousin, and my friend's mom with breast cancer. thank you!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

an old friend, a new start?

yesterday i went to pick up a few groceries with my mom in peterborough. as we were going to the check out i hear a voice i rcognize yell hey hows it going? i turned around and saw him, it took me a second to realize who it was, but when i did i was slightly shocked, but was glad to see him. it was my best friend from when i was younger. his name is adam bell. we were inseperable when we were younger, and did so much together, he was a year younger than me, but got much higher marks. he was also an amazing hockey player. when i was in grade 6, and he in grade 5 adam started doing drugs. weed at first of course, i remember one day he was really sick on the bus because he had had too much so i sat with hima nd took care of him. he started hanging out with boys in my grade, and started drinking and smoking. by about grade 7 he was in to drugs pretty badly. he dropped out of school second semester of grade 9, after skipping most of the first semester. this is when our friendship really ended. he started dong heavier drugs, and pretty frequently, speed i believe was the first heavy drug he got into. the next year something bad happened between us, and thats when i realized the adorable little boy who wore track suits and glasses, and loved the pitsburg penguines had passed, and this other boy had taken over his body. at that point i begged him to stop what he was doing, and to change for himself, but he was more into what his "friends" thought of him. he always wanted to be cool. i guess you could say he is popular now...he is wanted at least, by the police that is. he has been on the run for a few years now, i can't say where. this is why i was shocked to see him. he doesn't come back to hastings now, cuz he would be murdered because he was a cocain dealer and screwed over a lot of people, who would love to see him dead, and who wouldn't be affraid to kill him. he looks amazing now. i know he isn't on drugs anymore. i couldn't believe how wodnerfull he looked, it made me smile. he had a sparkle back in his eye, and i could tell because he actually looked me in the eye for the first time in many many years. he has made a good life for himself where he is living. he has a good job, and is even getting married, apparently soon. i am proud of him for turning his life around. and i hope he doesn't get caught by the cops, cuz i nkow there are people waiting for him in jail, people who are already in there so why do they care if they kill him. he dind't do anything really bad, just a lot of little things, and then this whole running thing, which i understand he had to do. i love my friend very much, no matter what he did to me, to anyone else, or to himself. please pray that God saves him, and his fiance. i forget her name. adam was really the first one in this town to get into really heavy drugs, but now they run rampid. i hugged adam, and i congratulated him on getting married. i know he knows the hug said more than that. he knows i love him and am proud of him. i am glad God brought us together yesterday.

Friday, May 05, 2006

who can beat this thing cancer?

"where would i be...what would i do if you werent here?" "you'll never have to worry about that."

well they are taking my grandpa off the glevax. they think the leukemia is back, even though they have found no blast cells, cuz sometimes they hide. so that news sucks bad. also, grandma hasn't heard from the other cancer doctor, which i think means that there is nothing more they can do. and that sucks too. but on top of that, my cousin on the same side of the family has his white cells very very high, which signals cancer, or another serious disease. he is having tests done on his stomach and bowels. he is the the only cousin i have older than me, he is 29. my mom and her sisters are being tested for the type of cancer their mom and grandmother have or died from, and if even one of them has it then all of us grandkids will be involved in genetic testing...whatever that means. please keep my family in your prayers. a long time ago, when my grandpa first foun out he has leukemia, he started a journal, and i remember on one page he wrote on the top "i will beat this thing cancer". what is this thing cancer anyway? and can anyone ever really beat it?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


how can i not smile? :)

Friday, April 28, 2006

love story explaination

its about my brother and his gf. i thought their story was beautiful, so i wrote about it. she has a 2 year old son, avery he is very cute. i'm a little bit sick please keep me in your prayers:)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

a love story

The very first moment I saw you your eyes were shining as the bright moon, my heart fluttered, and then sank. As I watched him sleeping I knew I could never have you. I love him, but I hated that I couldn’t have the happiness I had dreamed of. Then one day I saw in your smile something I hadn’t seen before, and I thought maybe...just maybe your heart had fluttered too. You started coming around more and more and before I knew it I was totally swept up in you, and he got to come too. I started to see how much you loved us both, and again my heart sank. You are so amazing, too good for me, but so good for him. Rivers poured from my face and I broke down and told you to go. But then as I looked up from my sobs, I saw you were sobbing too. You didn’t want to go you wanted to stay, you love me and you love him, and we love you. Life is different now, we are us, three of us, and now when I go through the hard times, I never have to go alone again. Every moment I see you your eyes shine as bright as the moon and my heart flutters.

The very first moment I saw you your eyes were shining as the bright moon, my heart fluttered and then sank. As I watched you I knew you were too busy to be with me. Your love him, could there be any left for me? Then one day I saw in your smile something I hadn’t seen before, and I thought maybe...just maybe your heart fluttered too. I started to come around more and before I knew it I was totally swept up in you, in both of you. I started to love you both like I have never loved before. But then you started to be distant. Here was this beautiful thing I had wanted for so long and it was slowly moving away. I knew you didn’t want me anymore. Then one day you started sobbing, rivers were pouring from my eyes, it hurt me to see you like that and I sobbed too. I never want to go, I always want to stay, I love you and I love him, and I know you both love me too. Life is different now, we are us, three of us, and now when we go through the hard times, neither of us ever has to go alone again. Every moment I see you your eyes shine as bright as the moon and my heart flutters.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


God is awesome! although my grandparents are both so sick, and i am giong through a bit of a rough patch myself, all i can say is God is awesome. ever notice how amazingly He takes care of you when you need Him to? how you can be in a situation you would consider terrible and just know that you are goign to be ok, and you know that because God is in control. let go of the bad things you hold on to and give them to Him, He will take care of you guarenteed:) thank you LORD! thank you for my smile:) thank you for everything you give me every day! thank you for holdin gme and my future in your hand and thank you for having a good and perfect plan for my life!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

cancer cancer everwhere.

i think i hate blogs now. there is jsut too much cancer in mine. ok, well my grandpa had his check up at princess margret in TO yesterday, and his counts were all low. so normally this would automatically mean the leukemia is back, however because he is on the experimental drug glevax, and they don't know enough about it to say for sure or not, it coule be the drug pulling his counts down, only 20 people are on the drug, and 1 has died thus far. there are no blast cells(cancer cells) in his blood which is good, but they took a bone marrow sample yesterday and we will know if it is cancer or not on monday or tuesday. so please be praying it isn't the leukemia back, and its just the effects of the drug he is on to treat the cancer.

also, apparently there is an oncologist who will be seeing my grandma, her doctor refered her to him to see if there is anymore he can do. please pray there is. but even if there isn't its so nice that they are trying so hard. often times they just say we are sorry there is nothing we can do and thats that. also, my grandma's roommate was a christian so thats awesome!

well thats enough cancer for today. i hope you all are doing well, and please remember to pray!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

a prayer

"Father God, may I never forget to call on you in every situation. I want to call on you every day of my life and bring before you my adoration, confession, thanksgiving and suplication..." (Emilie Barnes, 15 minutes alond with God). i read this tonight, and it really means something to me, cuz as i have found in the past, i often don't go to God first in situations, i am learning though, and last time something good happened to me God was the one i wanted, thanked, and was happy with:) thank You LORD for helping us to change!

grandma was feeling better today a bit. if everything stays smooth she goes home tuesday. hopefully i get to see her tomorrow!

my cousin broke his leg and so might be comming here for me to take care of him cuz his mom has to help with grandma. please pray for him as well, he has to go in for leg surgery next week, and had finally found a job and loved it. he has had a tough life. his dad isn't very nice to him. he was at his dad's house when he broke his leg, and his dad told him if he was stupid enough to break his leg he can find his own way to the hospital. the next day he started getting sick, and so he called his mom to come in and take him. :S:S his whole life his dad has treated him like this. he also has a drug problem, so please pray about that. also pray that God will help me to talk to him about God if he comes here to stay a few days, which i really hope he does.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

God is good!

well i was supposed to go see my grandma today, but it got changed to tonight....and so i can't go because i have choir practice:( if the next available time i can go see grandma falls on our other choir practice, saterday, i will skip that practice. at least i get to go grocery shoppign today.

last night i had an amazing night. i got to see how faithful God is, and is was so amazing! He knows us so well, He knows what we need, and when we need it. thank You LORD!
Proverbs 27:1
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."

I think it can also work with do not dread tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.
Why are we scared? we don't know what God has planned for us tomorrow! He is amazing and faithful, and isn't out to get us. He has a plan for our lives and its in accordance with His goos and perfect will, so we relaly have no need to fret!

thank you all for your prayers, please keep praying for my grandma, and please pray that i know what to say when i see her. xo

Monday, April 10, 2006


well...she survived the surgery. the got as much as they could. there is still some cancer in her liver and small intestine and something about lymphnodes. he said she has a year, maybe 2. so thats super sad...just keep her in your prayers please.


when life get hard and scarey, where shall i turn? when my fears over take me and the pain is unbearable, how do i cope? when my heart and tummy hurt, when emptiness fills me up, where do i look for help? "I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from whence comes my help? my help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1,2.

my grandma has her surgery today, please keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


ok, well easter was interesting today. it was sad because grandma looked to sad and scared and so i almost cried a couple of times. it was happy because my cousin is very pregnant now, and looks so beautiful. and it was weird cuz my cousin jenna brought a friend who is a slightly round girl with a larg chest and who was wearing a SKIN TIGHT STRAPLESS meet our family...including our grandparents was the most horrible/hillarious sight i have seen in a while. strange girl... it was a bbq, and we took lots of that part was fun. and it was nice enough that we could sit on the back deck in the sunshine.

after easter at grandma's we came home and i went out with my friend victoria. we went to the movies in cobourg and saw ice age 2 hahahahaha soooo wonderful, i highly reccomend it! highly! i think i'd go again! any takers? hehe . on our way home we saw balloons stuck to a sign...well...we turned around an di went to get the balloons(yes i know bad nicole) anyway i couldn't pull them off, it was like 20 lb test fishing CHEWED through...yeah...thats right...right there on the side of the then we drove home...and to the gas station with balloons in the back seat...i left them in the kitchen with a note for my mom saying i did it for her...haha.

so then, i got home and had a proverbs date with sarah. i love those dates. its such an amazing the rest of the Bible. i really appreciate the time i spend with her though, she is a good friend, and its always nice to grow closer to God with a friend by your side to help you out and keep you accountable and be prayign for you.

grandma's surgery is still on monday as far as we know. she got an infection in her arm from the last iv she got and so she is on super antibiotics right now, but its clearing up fast and so surgery should be a go. please be praying for her, her surgery is at noon on monday, and last about 2 hours. please pray that they don't find any other cancer in her, and that she pulls through. thank you all so much for your continued prayers. :)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


well, since grandma has surgery on monday, we are having our family easter this weekend. its seems like only yesterday we were pushing father's day ahead so we could have it before grandpa went in for his treatment after his relaps. i ask that you would pray that my grandma be in good spirits for this family easter gathering...which will be a bbq this year, and pray also that the whole family can make it.

i could also use prayers for my self, as i work to strengthen my walk with God. a friend and i are having a mini lent, and i would really appreciate your prayers over the next 9 days as i work through the book of proverbs. thank you all. God is amazing! "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. do not be wise in your own eyes fear the LORD and depart from evil." (proverbs 3:5-7, nkjv). i am learning so much! praise the LORD!

also, the first after school club was today. it was fantastic! we got 9 kids out!! we watched the easter story, hannah barbara version, but it was pretty good. of course Jesus has strawberry blonde hair,a nd very blue eyes, and all the priests looked liek bad guy wizards with bad guy voices, lol but othere than that it was great. "take this and drink from it, it is my blood which will be given up for you and for MANY." i was super impressed. anyway we had snack, asked what the kids thought of when they heard the word easter(interesting answers) then watched the video, and did a craft which was making easter cards for thei parents, and of course everyone did a fantastic job! thank you for your continued prayers for the after school club! the next meeting will be april 19, and we are hoping for even more kids!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

grandma update more wasn't the terrible news i guess. they are going to operate....on monday:s so thats super soon. we are having easter this weekend, on saterday so that she can have easter with us. she will be in the hospital for about a week after if all goes well. he is going to try to remove it, but he said he doens't konw if there is more cancer because the tumer is soooo huge that he cant see the other organs, so he wont be able to see until he opens her up. if its too bad he will just close her back up. if he can remove it, he will. he said it is a very high risk surgery, her lungs could fail or she could have a heart attack. so please be prayign for her. my mom is upset cuz of my dad's work he will be in cincinatti from monday until thursday so thats really stressfull for her...maybe pray that his work will cancel it, or htat he can get out of it because of the circumstances. apparently my grandpa isn't looking so well so please pray for him too. this is the first time he has found out how bad it is. so please keep praying for my grandma, and my family, and for the doctor that he has wisdom and ability. thank you all for your prayers.

Monday, April 03, 2006

grandma update

my grandma was supposed to have a doctor's appointment on thusday. however, this got pushed ahead to tomorrow at 4:30. this is when she will get the results of the CT scan. the results are either bad, or really really bad. so please pray that the cancer is only in her bowel, and that it is opperable. this is pretty scarey. she has been going through all her stuff...she gave back all the pictures we have all given her through the years. so yeah...she expects to not make it i think....i have a feeling of peace. but still, please pray for her, and for my family, especially my grandpa because he doens't deal with these things well. neither of them are Christians, nor is anyone in my family except for my grandpa's sister. so please for for them. thank you ya'll. i hope everything is well with you guys.


dear reader:
to answer your question, i will try my hardest to never give up on you. God is in control, He gives strength. lean on Him if you are struggling. He will guide you. He will guide me.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

a day at val's

so i went to val's yesterday. firstly may i say that all three, val, lael, and aria, are all beautiful. will never get your own again unless while talking to them you refuse to look at their beautiful faces. next, i think that val is a great mom, and i think the girls would agree. lastly, i had such a fun time. we just chaaed for a bit until lael got up from her nap, then we wondered around zellers, fun! spent no money but was even exercise! lol then we went back to their house and chatted a bit, and had some pizza, then they took me home...through the thickest fog ever!! lol...we made it though and i sent her home a different way. i love talking to val. sure she is married and has 2 kids, and i am super alone:P but i feel like i connect with her. dear val, i love you! you are a great friend, thank you for having me over:). and lael, keep on wiki tikiing. :)

Monday, March 27, 2006

popularity contest

why is matt foreman more popular than me? i mean sure he is a fine fellow, but i mean come on...i'm just as fine. mmmm hmmm....


the doctor called my mom today. he said the bowel is completely blocked. he is 99.9% sure it is colan cancer. he also removed some polups...whatever that means. she has her CT scan on friday, that is when we will find out more, like if it is all through her, or if its just the one tumer, and if it is operable. he said she may also need chemo after the surgery, providing he is able to operate. please keep her in your prayers, and my grandpa too, that he can deal with her cancer as wlel as he has been his own.

Friday, March 24, 2006

grandma update

well things with grandma arent all....the specialst cance guy said that normall if the tumor is this big it has likely spready, but not always. it is the size of a softball. but the doctor said that since she isn't showing any other symptoms the other organs may be fine, and may not have any other tumors on them. she goes otmorrow and he will see if there are any more tumors, so, its colan cancer...which is what her mother died mom just came in and told me. so please keep her in your paryers. she has an appointment tomrrow they are goign to go in and look around...too see if there are please pray for her.

Monday, March 20, 2006


haha, ok val, freaky thing happened, hahaha...freaky thing...add me on msn, haha ok and we will talk about that later.

next on the agenda, and for the rest of ya'll,
grandma gets her blood taken a bunch today, and she sees ther surgen guy on thursday, so he ct scan will be sometime before that. so please remember her in your prayers. my aunt(grandma's sister) said that her friend has the same thing and she is fine now, and the doctor said there should be no problem with her sruviving it, because my grandma asked if she would.

it sucks when you have amazing dreams, then you wake up and realize its not real...then your amazing dreams just turn into a sad. this was my morning...i woke up very confused, and the confusion turned to sadness when i realized my dream wasnt reality..i panicked a little and then was ok.

thank you for listening!

Friday, March 17, 2006


turns out that it wasn't her liver the doctor was feeling, it was a tumor on her bowel. the doctore is 90% sure it is cancer. she gets more tests and a ct scan done next week, and will meet with a specialist. and likely within the next few weeks it will be removed. they have given her a high chance of survival, infact its pretty much gaurenteed. it is still scraey, even though its like a billion times better than what we originally thought. thank you all for your prayers, oh and on a good note grandpa is still in remission as of yesterday, he had an appointment at princess margaret hospital. thank you for your continued prayers. i love you all. and just for dennis, i love you val! this is the fourth time i have posted this blog....lets see if it finally works this time.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

my grandma finds out what is wrong today, please pray that that its not horrible news. her appointment is at 445. i will try to post whats going on, please pray that whatever it is it can be fixed.

Monday, March 13, 2006

more prayers

please pray for my grandma. she is anemic and has an enlarged liver. her ultra sound is today. this is the wife of my grandpa with leukemia, and also the grandma who broke her femer, so please pray for her. and no she doesnt drink.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

hmm well then

i think i havde decided to keep posting using luke's name in every post until he comments like he did in the good old days. i know he comments on other people's i saw on matt' then this raises the question on coolness in luke's it actually possible that he honestly believes matt foreman is cooler than me? hello...think about it..he isnt. so then why is it luke wont comment on my blog? is he jealous of my stunning good looks? i mean he is a good looking fella' but i guess i can see why he would be jealous. maybe its simply that he likes it when i suffer... but then why not just mail me anthrax... perhaps he forgot i had a blog... although he pretty much made it and people dont just forget their babbies... could it be that he hates me? no that brings us back to anthrax... well i guess i am out of ideas for any of you have some ideas? tell me if you do!

Friday, March 03, 2006

new poem

when her brain tells her heart to shut up, because the feelings just wont stop. when her lips tell only lies, the truth will always be in her eyes. she needs to hide it from you, because her feelings are so true. she wants to run and get away. you'd never love her anyway.

hey everyone, hope all is well, i haven't posted in a while cuz i was waiting for luke to comment, but he never i am moving on i guess....oh well....i thank all you who did comment:)

Saturday, February 18, 2006


all ya'll never comment...i look so uncool....i know some people read.....but they never leave comments....some people who may or may not have an aunt shmoo....hmmm......sad....heart.....busted.

Monday, February 13, 2006

its a boy!

my cousin julie is pregnant and due july first, and today she found out its a boy! how exciting! i also have some advice for the world tonight...that is, communication is key people! relationships can't work without it...not even friendships!

hard questions with no answers.

its so hard not knowing if someone likes you or not, sometimes you think they do, somtimes you think they dont. you are always wondering always questioning...should i wait for him? should i move on? it makes your heart break because the not knowing eats at it all the time. its so much better just to know...even if its that they don't like you, because then you can move on, or at least start the long process of trying to get over him. sometimes, you just want him to tell you, even if it breaks your heart, because in is already breaking.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

things always change i guess back to that whole difficult thing...only i am more at ease now...i know i am gonna' be ok. i guess change isn't always bad...even if it feels sooo bad while its happening....when people come into your life you never picture them leaving again...but the truth is...most of them do painful as it is. there are so many people i don't want to leave..but i know many of them will. i love you all, very much, don't forget while you go through your lives, that someone else will always love you, God.

Monday, February 06, 2006

short stories part 2, read part one first!

As he drives home through the pouring rain his eyes turn red. His fists clench tighter around the steering wheel as his heart fills with rage. He loosens his grip only to take another drink. He slams on the breaks and skids as he curses at the red light. He honks his horn impatiently as if it will cause it to turn green. He curses louder when it doesn’t work, and smashes his fist off the steering wheel. The second it turns green he screeches his tires as he speeds away. Another red light! Another fit of rage! Cursing so loud a man walking his dog down the street turns to see what the ruckus is. He turns back quickly as the man pounding his fist on the wheel pauses a moment to give him the finger and curse loudly at him. As he pulls into his driveway he rushes to the house, taking no time to turn the car off or shut its door.
Bam! He takes one look at her sitting there, she didn’t do the dishes again. He takes a drink, pulls the gun from inside his coat. He calls her name in a mocking voice, but he doesn’t wait for her to turn around. Bam! The blast is so loud it knocks pictures from the wall. He sits at the table beside her, wipes her blood from his section, and takes a long look at the very thing that turned him into what he has become. He picks it up, and he takes one last drink of that whisky. Picks the gun up off the table and Bam.
He lays there in a pool of his own blood. He can’t see anything, but he can feel everything. The pain is unbearable, but he can’t find the gun. As he lays there, he thinks of all that he has done, all that has happened to her, and knows it is all his fault. As he slowly drifts away, he mumbles softly the words "I’m sorry", and this time, he means it.

2 short stories part 1

She sits there in awe. Occasionally she looks up from the tiles on the floor to allow her eyes to meet with the clock. This time she stays fixated on the clock for a few moments, and when she lowers her head a single tear hits the tile. She focuses on the tear now, how its unique formation has created a tiny clean spot on the floor. She wonders to herself if perhaps she could clean the entire floor with the tears she has cried lately. She begins to think of how it all happened. Where did she go wrong? How could she not see? As she looks up at the clock again she realizes her eyes are once again so filled with tears she is unable to see what is right in front of her. Back down her head goes quickly, the tears pour over creating more unique clean spots, she focuses on them and realizes they are stains.
Bam! The door flies open she becomes frantic for a moment, and then numb. She closes her eyes. She smells whisky and can see a little girl playing in a field. She runs and runs and dances round and round, all the while picking beautiful flowers for her mother. She has a huge smile, she is so happy, so content, not one tear falls from her eyes to stain the field. She fears nothing, why would she? She has nothing to fear. She sees butterflies, and a light wind blowing the leaves of a near by tree. She runs to the tree and swings off the tire held up by the ropes her father tied for her. She realizes she is the little girl.
A bright light blinds her as she opens her eyes. First she can see nothing, then her mother, a face she hasn’t seen in five years. "Its ok baby girl, you are going to be ok. That son of a bitch thought he killed you then he killed himself. You are safe now baby girl, you don’t have to be afraid again. We can see each other now, he can’t stop us." She smiles, and then closes her eyes for the last time.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


sometimes life gets really hard. and you have to make decisions you don't want to make...sometimes no matter how hard you pray you can't make someone love you....and have to learn you can't take them with you when you move just want to scream because your heart doesn't know if its happy or sad...because in reality its ecstatic and devestaed all at once. growing up is so painful, even when its happy.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

i am borring

well, my life is pretty borring these days. i think things are finally getting sorted out with prairie, thats fabulous! i have to sing alto in choir tomorrow because the main alto(there are only 2 altos) wont be there....that should be interesting...i should have pretended i couldn't...or maybe it wouldn't have been pretending? i sang alto a couple weeks ago, but the main one was there...that made life easier...i am on my own basically now...:( i would so much rather sing soprano....its easy. so there is this internet boy i talk to now. you can pray about that....i think thats all i shall write for now. CONGRATULATIONS TO DENNIS AND VAL ON HAVING DAUGHTER NUMBER 2, AND CONGRATULATIONS TO LAEL ON BECOMING A BIG SISTER! i hope everyone's lives are going well, and that you are all leaning on God. i love you all!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


get out baby!! meet your family!! haha maybe i helped? you are funny val, i love you!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


i lost the link to your blog:( email it to me? sorry val! how are things going? that baby out yet? update me! i miss you! :( oh look another blog just for you! my life is goign ok, frusterated with prairie stuff, they keep telling me luke and josh all different things :S:S but i am sure it will all get sorted out. my grandma's femer is completely healed, only took 4 months, they thought it would take 8, so thats good. we have at least another month with my grandpa, he went to TO and is still in remission, he is on a drug called glevax, i think its supposed to keep him in remission longer, but it does make him puffy. ummm i guess everything is going pretty good. i hate not being at school, i really miss luke, oh and everyone else of course...but i mean...him the most he is my best friend haha sorry nicki:( hmm oh my mom's ms is getting worse, i wish they would put her on the meds because if they don't she will keep getting worse, if they do she will stop getting worse. she has a really bad memory now. ummm, oh my youngest brother got a fish, and his name is frank...and my other brother got his tongue pierced yesterday...he is way wimpier than i was, and he got in trouble...i didn't:S. after ross's sermon a couple of weeks ago i have felt like i am starting over kinda'. i feel a lot closer to God and like my life is a lot more on track for Him. ross said we need to have 2 new years resolutions, 1. live a life that is pleaseing to God, and 2. eagerly look forward to the second comming. i think its some pretty solid advice, and i have been trying. i am reading my Bible a lot more, and just feel A LOT more content with my life. God is amazing, and its pretty cool how He can speak to us. oh gosh...i did my first went really well, and i surprised them cuz they didn't know i could sing loud...haha...but oh man that was the most nerve racking thing i have experienced in quite sometime. as soon as i finished singing i just started shaking...a lot! i was sure the whole church could see my blue choir binder vibrating! haha...but now that that's over i am sure the next time will be easier...right? yeah, things are good, and i really hope they are good with you too! dannis, val, lael, and spruce just fits you see? go with it...haha miss you val, email me your blog again...i will save it as a favorite this time i promise!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Does anybody hear her?

Does Anybody Hear Her Lyrics Casting Crowns

She is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying
But the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years olderAnd she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

She is yearning
For shelter and affectionThat she never found at home
She is searching
For a hero to ride in
To ride in and save the day
And in walks her prince charming
And he knows just what to say
Momentary lapse of reason
And she gives herself away

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

If judgement looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we never even met her

If judgement looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we never even met her

Never even met her
Never even met her

Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see?
Or does anybody even knows she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me

Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see?
Does anybody even know she's going down today?
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see?

He is running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction

- Thank you Jesus for letting someone see.