Friday, November 03, 2006

grandparents and good friends

ok i'll start with my grandma, she is on a morphine pump now for pain, the pills weren't cutting it anymore. she is still going down hill, so keep her and our family in your prayers.

my grandpa, well there is nothing else they can do for him now. he is on chemo pill, but eventually the cancer will just smash through the chemo pill and keep growing. the doctor told him to live everyday like its his last because it very well could be. this is very very hard. he has done so well, but there is jsut nothing else they can do now. on the bright side, he got his fake teeth, and he looks very handsome:) he even got a new hat, a flat top kind, its so cute:) please keep him in your pryaers as well.

i also thought i'd add thet my cousin totalled her mom's car last night, rolled it...but her and her friend are ok :) thank the LORD:)

now the good friends part. i was talking to jilly today:) i love her, memories are so fabulous! i love all of my friends, and i am so glad you are part of my life, even if i dont get to see you often, i appreciate you greatly:) thank you so much for your prayers, and for all the memories we have shared:) i am very fortunate to have met all of you. (hugs)


Unknown said...

wow that sucks about your grandparents, your family will be in my prayers, and i return the hug, it's been great getting to know you, and i have soooo much respect, what with seeing all you have gone through. Keep on the steady course, don't give up! and I return the hug. ;)

Anonymous said...

I Was
My subtle existence lies shattered >in a series of dark and stormy dreams.>Menaced by shadows>full of teeth.>I lie wet on the hills,>Starfire tearing in my eyes.>I am the Earth,>The Moon...>nothing at all.>I play>with Laughter and>Bullets,>Until the Sun dissolves me>into waves;>Pulling me,> from these shores of serenity,>into the Dark.>I,>fade to Black.

for nicole