Monday, May 15, 2006


well, last week my mom had a doctors appointment with a doctor whos job it is to diagnose weird things. so, we found out she has a weird strain of chronic fatigue syndrom. is this better or worse than ms? who knows? at least she has answers now, and she has learned there is nothing they can do to help her, except she can stay on celexa to help because chronic fatigue syndrom has to do with nerves.

on wednesday both of my grandparents have doctor's appointments again. grandma goes to st joe's in ptbo' to an oncologist to find out if there is anymore he can do for her to help prolong her life longer than the year she has been given. grandpa goes to princess margeret in TO. last time no cancer cells showed up in his bone marrow, however since they have the ability to hide he could very well have his cancer back. it would be so awesome if he went there and was told his blood was going back up on its own now that he is off the glevax(new cancer drug). please be praying that both of my grandparents get good news on wednesday.

i am doing ok. i am still not exactly healthy, but am better. i have a couple more appointments left and hopefully i am better by then, if not i have to go on pills. please be praying for me as well. i really don't wnat to have to take medication everyday for the rest of my life. spiritually i am doing a lot better. it is sad though that it takes going through hard times for me to realize i need God. why couldn't i have just realized before? it feels as though i have wasted so much time. its nice having belinda home. i miss her when she is away at school. i actually have someone to go for walks with now, its so yay!
thank you all for your prayers and i hope things are going well for you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CFS seems less threatening than MS. Prayers for you and yours. I hope you don't have to take pills everday.