Monday, March 27, 2006

popularity contest

why is matt foreman more popular than me? i mean sure he is a fine fellow, but i mean come on...i'm just as fine. mmmm hmmm....


the doctor called my mom today. he said the bowel is completely blocked. he is 99.9% sure it is colan cancer. he also removed some polups...whatever that means. she has her CT scan on friday, that is when we will find out more, like if it is all through her, or if its just the one tumer, and if it is operable. he said she may also need chemo after the surgery, providing he is able to operate. please keep her in your prayers, and my grandpa too, that he can deal with her cancer as wlel as he has been his own.

Friday, March 24, 2006

grandma update

well things with grandma arent all....the specialst cance guy said that normall if the tumor is this big it has likely spready, but not always. it is the size of a softball. but the doctor said that since she isn't showing any other symptoms the other organs may be fine, and may not have any other tumors on them. she goes otmorrow and he will see if there are any more tumors, so, its colan cancer...which is what her mother died mom just came in and told me. so please keep her in your paryers. she has an appointment tomrrow they are goign to go in and look around...too see if there are please pray for her.

Monday, March 20, 2006


haha, ok val, freaky thing happened, hahaha...freaky thing...add me on msn, haha ok and we will talk about that later.

next on the agenda, and for the rest of ya'll,
grandma gets her blood taken a bunch today, and she sees ther surgen guy on thursday, so he ct scan will be sometime before that. so please remember her in your prayers. my aunt(grandma's sister) said that her friend has the same thing and she is fine now, and the doctor said there should be no problem with her sruviving it, because my grandma asked if she would.

it sucks when you have amazing dreams, then you wake up and realize its not real...then your amazing dreams just turn into a sad. this was my morning...i woke up very confused, and the confusion turned to sadness when i realized my dream wasnt reality..i panicked a little and then was ok.

thank you for listening!

Friday, March 17, 2006


turns out that it wasn't her liver the doctor was feeling, it was a tumor on her bowel. the doctore is 90% sure it is cancer. she gets more tests and a ct scan done next week, and will meet with a specialist. and likely within the next few weeks it will be removed. they have given her a high chance of survival, infact its pretty much gaurenteed. it is still scraey, even though its like a billion times better than what we originally thought. thank you all for your prayers, oh and on a good note grandpa is still in remission as of yesterday, he had an appointment at princess margaret hospital. thank you for your continued prayers. i love you all. and just for dennis, i love you val! this is the fourth time i have posted this blog....lets see if it finally works this time.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

my grandma finds out what is wrong today, please pray that that its not horrible news. her appointment is at 445. i will try to post whats going on, please pray that whatever it is it can be fixed.

Monday, March 13, 2006

more prayers

please pray for my grandma. she is anemic and has an enlarged liver. her ultra sound is today. this is the wife of my grandpa with leukemia, and also the grandma who broke her femer, so please pray for her. and no she doesnt drink.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

hmm well then

i think i havde decided to keep posting using luke's name in every post until he comments like he did in the good old days. i know he comments on other people's i saw on matt' then this raises the question on coolness in luke's it actually possible that he honestly believes matt foreman is cooler than me? hello...think about it..he isnt. so then why is it luke wont comment on my blog? is he jealous of my stunning good looks? i mean he is a good looking fella' but i guess i can see why he would be jealous. maybe its simply that he likes it when i suffer... but then why not just mail me anthrax... perhaps he forgot i had a blog... although he pretty much made it and people dont just forget their babbies... could it be that he hates me? no that brings us back to anthrax... well i guess i am out of ideas for any of you have some ideas? tell me if you do!

Friday, March 03, 2006

new poem

when her brain tells her heart to shut up, because the feelings just wont stop. when her lips tell only lies, the truth will always be in her eyes. she needs to hide it from you, because her feelings are so true. she wants to run and get away. you'd never love her anyway.

hey everyone, hope all is well, i haven't posted in a while cuz i was waiting for luke to comment, but he never i am moving on i guess....oh well....i thank all you who did comment:)