Friday, November 10, 2006

she is gone.

its all over now. grandma passed this morning at 4. death seemed so peacefull after all the painfull dying. still its so very sad. only 66. please keep my family in your prayers. the memorial is monday visitation at 1 pm until 2, and then the service and to the cemetary and back to grandpa's house after. the visitation is at nisbetts in peterborough. thank you for your prayers.

God's plans never mess us up. its when we confuse our plans with His and thikn our are better. they never are. i know God is in control, and even though it hurts really bad to know my grandma isn't here, i trust God was fair with her, and i know that she had alot of prayers, and heard His Word a lot over the past month. i miss my grandma terribly, infact it doens't feel real, like at the time it felt like maybe she was just sleeping, or like it wasn't her and she was gogin to walk into the room. but God has kept me strong. God is amazing, and gives us exactly what we need. i am so glad i was there with her when she died. plese keep praying for us.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry baby.She was so young.My deepest heartfelt condolenses to you and your family.Your poor mother,oh my. Gods' plans can really mess us up, huh? Be strong little one,your friends are with you.And so is He.Wish I had something inspiring and original to say here but I feel so empty.At least she is in peace,without pain,walking with Him.I can think of worse things.Big {{{HUGZZZ}}}! Scruff

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole,

So sorry to hear about your grandma but I am glad that you got to be with her when she past on. I am glad you got to say goodbye!

I am praying for you and your family during this time. May you know his Love so strong during this time!!!

Dennis and Valerie said...

Love you. ((((hugs))))


Unknown said...

hey, well at least she went peacefully. i'll be praying for everyone! and in keeping up the chain...... *HUG*

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole....sorry to hear about your grandma. I've been there too, exactyl 3 years to the day your grandma passed was the day my grandma passed of cancer too, November 10, 2003. I can honestly say everything you're feeling was exactly how I felt, I was angry and hurt and upset and relieved and almost joyful because the suffering was over. It does get easier. I wanted to believe she was just sleeping too, but eventually reality sets in. Anyways if you ever need to talk, I'll be around somewhere, I know what it's like...I never would have survive without Steph to talk to and vent to. Stay strong! Hugs!