Tuesday, November 28, 2006

big word bull...

why do people use big words to describe things? why do so called "thinkers" really just come up with a long way of saying something people already know? and what is philosophy? i was recently sent this message

"been reading a great bk by martin buber "i and thou" ..... a classic philosophy/religion text...on connectedness:"Egos appear by setting themselves apart from other egos.Persons appear by entering into relation to other persons.One is the spiritual form of natural differentiation, the other that of natural association.The purpose of setting oneself apart is to experience and use, and the purpose of that is "living" - which means dying one human life long.The purpose of relation is the relation itself - touching the You. For as soon as we touch a You, we are touched by a breath of eternal life." p.112-3i like many things here...for e.g. that it is the relation that is key....not what it is "producing", what i am "getting" "out of IT", etc. But rather - it is the inter-act-i-on that is the "goal" [not that that is the goal] - to KNOW another, to know one-self, and ones-self...and the relation between these.But I see little of that today - rather it's treating the other like a he/she/it/object - looking for full-fill-ment from the other, and when that doesn't "produce", anxiety results, and either anger or withdrawal comes forth or "is produced".thots?"

now, what the heck?? my thought...who cares? thats right who cares. all those words to say what...ask not what they can do for you but what you can do for them? mm hmm...put others b4 your self...ok... touching the "YOU" LOL yeah ok if you touch my "YOU" i'll smack you. good grief...can anyone make sense of this? cuz all i think is...hey whitey stop thinking, go outside, play ball and get a tan!... theses "thinkers" sure think they are smart...but are they? think if the wrote an essay, a normal persons would be 6 pages, theirs would be 400 just cuz they feel the need to share their "genius thoughts". yeah...smart? or trying too hard?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hurt by johnny cash

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Friday, November 10, 2006

she is gone.

its all over now. grandma passed this morning at 4. death seemed so peacefull after all the painfull dying. still its so very sad. only 66. please keep my family in your prayers. the memorial is monday visitation at 1 pm until 2, and then the service and to the cemetary and back to grandpa's house after. the visitation is at nisbetts in peterborough. thank you for your prayers.

God's plans never mess us up. its when we confuse our plans with His and thikn our are better. they never are. i know God is in control, and even though it hurts really bad to know my grandma isn't here, i trust God was fair with her, and i know that she had alot of prayers, and heard His Word a lot over the past month. i miss my grandma terribly, infact it doens't feel real, like at the time it felt like maybe she was just sleeping, or like it wasn't her and she was gogin to walk into the room. but God has kept me strong. God is amazing, and gives us exactly what we need. i am so glad i was there with her when she died. plese keep praying for us.

Friday, November 03, 2006

grandparents and good friends

ok i'll start with my grandma, she is on a morphine pump now for pain, the pills weren't cutting it anymore. she is still going down hill, so keep her and our family in your prayers.

my grandpa, well there is nothing else they can do for him now. he is on chemo pill, but eventually the cancer will just smash through the chemo pill and keep growing. the doctor told him to live everyday like its his last because it very well could be. this is very very hard. he has done so well, but there is jsut nothing else they can do now. on the bright side, he got his fake teeth, and he looks very handsome:) he even got a new hat, a flat top kind, its so cute:) please keep him in your pryaers as well.

i also thought i'd add thet my cousin totalled her mom's car last night, rolled it...but her and her friend are ok :) thank the LORD:)

now the good friends part. i was talking to jilly today:) i love her, memories are so fabulous! i love all of my friends, and i am so glad you are part of my life, even if i dont get to see you often, i appreciate you greatly:) thank you so much for your prayers, and for all the memories we have shared:) i am very fortunate to have met all of you. (hugs)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


ok, so...life hasn't been easy. watching someone slowly die is horrible. my grandma is soo sick. she doesn't have much time left. she rambles about stuff and makes no sense. i stayed there last night and she woke me up a lot. she woke me up at 6 am yelling because she said she needed water...but i think it was just because she wanted to make sure someone was there. its so crazy. she wants me to stay there everynight, though i am not sure if i will. it is a scarey thought to think i could be there alone with her when she dies. the faither healer was in tehre yesterday...that was interesting. just please pray for me and for my family. i am terrified to be there alone with her, but i have to if they need me, because i couldn't possibly be more affraid of wathcing her die than she is of dying. i am so stressed out, and i can't even imagine what its goign to be like when she goes...its just...not cool to think about even though i woudl rather her go soon because she is in a lot of pain, she isn't with it, she can bearly swallow, and she doens't have bowel movements anymore. i know GOD IS IN CONTROL. but im still scared...so please pray for me, and for my family that is going to be completely devestated when she goes, especailly for my grandpa because he has leukemia, and although he looks great and all they don't know what to do with him so pleade pray for more treatments and that he can make it through her death. ach that sucks to even say. just please pray a lot.

on a bright note, i have been reading "the hiding place" by corrie tenboom, and i woudl reccomend it to EVERYONE. its amazing, just absolutely amazing. thank you all for everything(hugs)