Friday, June 16, 2006

my daddy.

well life as i know it is about to change again. today we found out my dad has type one diabetes. i don't even fully know what that means. all i know is that the doctor said he can't work today he has to come home, and that home care is comming this afternoon. i also know it means after i stab him a few times i guess i will stop crying at the sight of needles:(. please pray for my dad, he is very very very upset. for those of you who know him you know he is in tip top shape, and has very little body fat. i know that has nothing to do with type one, but it was at least feel like its justified if he was fat. just please keep us in your prayers. and pray that nothing else bad happens to us...this is getting crazy.

please also pray for my brother's gf amanda as her dad will be passing away soon.

1 comment:

Dennis and Valerie said...

I'm so sorry, Nicole. This is hard news. I'll pray for you. Keep your eyes on Jesus- He is a constant when all our circumstances are crazy. (((hugs)))