Thursday, May 31, 2007


has it ever been a while! a month and a day! that jsut craziness! how could i have forgotten about you dear blogger?! how i missed you so! haha anywayyy... i now have a job at the liquor store, thank you to those have been praying:) i ask you please keep praying as this job is only until september, and i only get between 4 and 6 hours per week pretty much:S not enough! so im hoping to get another job as well. i will be going back to my aunt's this summer on days im not at the liquor store:S ach. anyway i trust all is well with you all! i unfortunately have not been able to make it back to the church that i so fell in love with, though i am hoping maybe this weekend i will get a chance! unfortunately i am at the mercy of those who drive me! if they cannot or will not i cannot go:( it is not an assembly though brad, its a pentacostal church, and its great. nothing better than being able to dance in church and hear a good message too! hmm im not sure what else has been new with me lately...that might be it...oh, i have redone my room!! how exciting! i may post pictures if i ever take some! my life has been ok up to this point, i have met a few online friends who are pretty cool, and i still got the good old ones like the fabulous nicki!! to talk to when im down..oh how i love that girl! oh friend sarah, my friend since grade 3 has a wedding date set for next august! how exciting!! my aunt meaghan is due in about a month and a half...thats longer than braydon, her first baby stayed in for! yay!!:D my family is sitll in pretty rough shape dealing with all the stuff that comes with the death of their parents. it was an absolutely terrible winter for us, and now its just about time to seel the house...which is an unthinkable thought right now:S:( i do ask that you continue to pray that mom and her sisters and brother can all stick together in these times. oh and more good news my brother caught an 8 lb pickrel at my trailer!!! how exciting! so we'll have a new wall ornament soon:P anyway i hope to get some comments its been a long time since i have talked to some of you!! i miss you all and i love you all! xo