Saturday, April 15, 2006

a prayer

"Father God, may I never forget to call on you in every situation. I want to call on you every day of my life and bring before you my adoration, confession, thanksgiving and suplication..." (Emilie Barnes, 15 minutes alond with God). i read this tonight, and it really means something to me, cuz as i have found in the past, i often don't go to God first in situations, i am learning though, and last time something good happened to me God was the one i wanted, thanked, and was happy with:) thank You LORD for helping us to change!

grandma was feeling better today a bit. if everything stays smooth she goes home tuesday. hopefully i get to see her tomorrow!

my cousin broke his leg and so might be comming here for me to take care of him cuz his mom has to help with grandma. please pray for him as well, he has to go in for leg surgery next week, and had finally found a job and loved it. he has had a tough life. his dad isn't very nice to him. he was at his dad's house when he broke his leg, and his dad told him if he was stupid enough to break his leg he can find his own way to the hospital. the next day he started getting sick, and so he called his mom to come in and take him. :S:S his whole life his dad has treated him like this. he also has a drug problem, so please pray about that. also pray that God will help me to talk to him about God if he comes here to stay a few days, which i really hope he does.


Anonymous said...

ok.. last paragraph was disturbing to read. I hope you are able to him about God. Would give him a lot of comfort in his situation if he had God in his life.. yeah, I'm good at stating the obvious. I'm sleepy... Have a good weekend :)

Anonymous said...

wow, i feel bad for your cousin, we really don't realize how good God has made our lives until we have to look at others, i'll be sure to pray for him, and your grandma.