Monday, May 30, 2005

ok guys

i went to see my grandpa on saterday. he is up and down like crazy. one minute he is ok with it and he will be like maybe i don't have to go to toronoto. or you ready to make all those bus trips to see me again? and sometimes he is just iek i cna't believe its back, i don't believe it, i wont until they tell me on thursday. its so hard to sit there when he is almost crying. we put him to work though planting flowers we brought for grandma and digging some out for us. him and dad and uncle donny were also looking at all of our cars he just got a new one this winter, and uncle donny just got a new accura. oh...and good news we found out that aunt meaghan is pregnant again...they weren't telling anyone but its obvious and so grandma asked uncle donny straight up, and he said yes. she is about 12 weeks, so pray that she wont loose the baby this time. and this was good news for my grandpa to hear too cuz donny is his only son. i am scared about my grandpa, but i have this kind of calming faith that everything is going to be ok. God is so awesome. He gave me you guys to help me to get through all the hard times. good friends are hard to find, i am so thankful to have you guys. pretend i am giving you hugs right now....even if you don't liek hugs ;) hehe. i spent today gardening with my mom, and i would imagine that if she is feeling alright after physio tomorrow we will be doing more. today was the hardest part though, after this we just have to plant little ones to fill spaces, and to fill containers. justin's arm seems to be getting better, thats has taken so long. i cleaned our whole room yesterday and the day before because dan was comming and i didn't want him to know that i still hadn't put away all my school stuff. i had to give away a tone of clothes, but thats ok i have lots to spare. it looks nice and i even have some fresh cut lilacs in there to make it smell pretty...of course justin is allergic...but hey. i appreciate all of your prayers everyone. please keep praying for my grandpa, he is going to toronto on thursday...i guess thats when we will figure out what is going to happen, when treatment will start and where and whats gonna' go on. please pray for my grandpa to have strength, enough strength to get though. last time he wrote in his journal "i will beat this thing cancer". please pray he can do it again. and pray for his salvation. thank you all i love you all, have a good night. p.s. please pray that i keep up with my Bible reading and devotions and praying. thank you good night.

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