Thursday, June 02, 2005

prayer please

hi guys. today is the day my grandpa goes to toronto to find out whats going on. i guess he will find out if and when treatment starts and where. please pray that everything goes smoothly today, and that the news isn't even more horrible. thank you so much for all of your prayers thus far, they are so greatly appreciated. i will post more tonight if i know more. i hope everyone has a great day. ps. its weird not having my little brother in my room...he is in ottawa until tomorrow evening...its so strange now that i am used to hearing him in there at night. and its strang not getting booted off of here whenever he feels like going on! bye bye ya'll!

hey everyone back again. i am a little bit stressed about drama i just know i am going to forget something. ross called me this morning and asked me to organize the drama part of milliscus and i am finding it stressful cuz i only have 1 day so please pray for me. and pray for ross because i know that he is super stressed out too....well he has to be way more stressed out than me, he has a lot to do. alright, my grandpa will be going to the hospital some time in the next 2 weeks to start treatment again. it will be basically the same as last time but there is this new pill that is supposed to be a big success so he will be taking that too. also they tested aunt dot's (his sister) bone marrow to see if it was a match. they don't usually do transplants on people over 60, but since he is in such good shape they might if there is a match. i kinda' want to be tested now even though i am terrified of needles and it hurts like mad. just please keep praying for him. we are having father's day on sunday so we can have it for sure before he goes to toronto. please pray for my grandpa and my family over these next few months, and remember that they aren't Christians, except for aunt dot and her husband. thank you all so much, i hope to see a bunch of you this weekend. i love you all! and i wish you could be here luke :( i miss you like crazy. night ya'll!

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