Saturday, September 10, 2005


hello everyone. i wanted to say that my grandma had a fall yesterday. she got a relaly bad gash in her leg and broke her femer. she has to be in the hospital for a few weeks and then can't put weight on it for 4-6 months. please pray for her, and for my grandpa. she is the wife of my grandpa that has leukemia. also, this is going to put stress on my family financialy, as we will have eto be at the house with my grandpa, and making sure he can get to treatmentsd and is taken care of, and someone will have to sleep there everynight, and someone will also have to be with my grandma to take care of her. plus we will have to remodel their house and make it wheel chair accessible so that she can live there. thank you so much for your prayers. my grandpa has had his second round and is at home waiting for his counts to go back up. then he will do his third round, and then hopefully one of his siblings is a match and he can get a bone marrow transplant, or they have a different treatment that will work. he is in remission right now, but it wont last without something like a bone marrow transplant to make it more permenant. happy news...although i have 4 dogs right now, a begal, and 3 walkers, i think tomorrow we are buying a basset hound, and picking him or her up a week from today. i say him or her because i want a girl one, but my dad and brothers want the boy one. we have one of each picked out and will decide tomorrow. this apparently will be a house dog...and according to my dad wont even be used for hunting(yeah right). it will be fun to get another dog, i went to see them today they are adorable...i am not sure if it is gongi to be a surprise for my mom to cheer her up, or if dad told her to let her pick the puppy...either way its still a surprise we are getting one, cuz she has always wanted one. klbc folks seem awesomely nice this year! i so wish i could spend more time with them. also, i have been thinking about my internship, please pray for me. now, i don't think luke ever reads this cuz he never comments, actually i don't think anyone but sarah does...but...this is your que luke you read my blog? love ya'll

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