Wednesday, September 21, 2005


ok so i am still sick....this is getting ridiculous. i had to chage my blog settings because i was getting blog comment spam....retards....anyway, now you will have to type in a word that you see to make sure that you are a people and not someone's stupid machine sending me garbage that no one wants. does spam actually work anyway? i mean do people ever buy their crap? i can see that some folks might visit the website to see what the fuss is about, but...i mean is it worth annoying like a million people to have one person visit your webiste and then quickly leave when they realize it sucks? people are annoying. why, just this morning i was trying to sleep, and my aunt called at 7 20 just to chat it up with my mom...for an hour...while she was trying to get my brother read for school....and then there are the idiots that keep calling here trying to sell us stuff, and trying to get us to give them things or whatever.....they called 3 times yesterday and then started today off bright and early at about 9...what...were we first on the list? so my trailer plans have been changed and i am going to hang out this weekend, and then next weekend we are gonig to the trailer. i was supposed to be going to a wedding...but stil no invitation...our mail service sucks....she already sent it once and it never got here, and so she sent it again and it should be here by now....ugh....whatever mail annoy me. hope everyone else is having a good day....oh and here is a happy though, that luke will like i am sure, whenever you see a flock of geese flying shouth...or east as our confused geese have been doing for the past few weeks....just remember that some of those geese aren't going to make it. they are going to be shot down and will have the feathers ripped out, and will either be gutted, or have their breasts ripped off...and will cook away at some one's house right before they are eatin up! oh happy times. my brother came home with a bunch a coupld of weeks ago...but its almost bow season for deer now, so birds will take a back seat! i am coughing and coughing again so i need to go lay down or something to make it stop. later ya'll!

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