Friday, July 01, 2005

hmm.... bizarre

So here's a pointless little picture and explanation that is bound to leave all of you who read this wondering why on earth you bother coming back to a site that contains such evidently unnecessary content. but for those willing to look past that you will see a beautiful work of art that is so avant-garde it's practically.... uh something or other... anyway, the art speaks of the fragility of life demonstrated by the ghost, Nicole, who is not in actuality dead. the passion of the artist is further seen by the use of alligators in symbolic usage of the way we treat animals that we perceive as "dangerous." finally, the artist captures the spirit of friendship and compassion through the imagery of giving flowers to a ghost. the fact remains, however, that the arm not extended from the live lego man (Luke Bruce, handsome young lad) betrays that there is a hesitancy to make oneself vulnerable enough to befriend a ghost who is unable to return that friendship by baking him pies....

anyway, that's one person's interpretation of this beautiful piece. hope y'all are blessed by it, and feel free to share what you think about it.


Luke Bruce said...

man alive, anonymous, i have to say that you're insane... i for one think you ought to be institutionalized....and if i have my way you will be! but seriously; beautiful artwork, where could i get a print of something that lovely? and how much could one expect to pay for such raw artistic talent? shall we start the bidding at 100,000$?

Shawn Cuthill said...

Wow. You guys are good at that Lego art stuff, you should start doing biblical stories and give THE LEGO BIBLE some fierce competition!