Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ok so i am super excited about mark and lidsay's wedding!!! and i get to be in it!! yay!! that has kept me excited for days. and here is what has been dragging me down...does anyone out there think its ok for boys to hit a girl in any circumstancs? if so when...and why? and why do i trust anyone ever? i really want this year to be over. of course there are people i am gonig to miss a lot, like luke...he will be in far away land for what will seem like forever. good friends are hard to come by and often times imposters sneak in. guard your hearts folks and keep your eyes on Jesus. and when a good friend does come along, treat them awesome. do as i say not as i tend to do. i sure could use a hero right now...is there anyone out there who will come make everything better?

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