Saturday, April 09, 2005


last night's drama went pretty was the last one ever:( i can't believe ross and leanne are leaving! its so sad....drama has been an awesome experience for me in my three years at klbc. i am so sad its over. i helped lead music last night....that went ok....but i really wish i could hear out of both ears....will i ever get better? or do i learn to live with it? ach. ever notice how some things just aren't the same without certain people around? yeah...i have. i am getting so excited for mark and lindsay's is going to come quick! hmmm anyone know when it will be my turn? ok i guess God does. we listened to this message last night in the van on the way back from barrie....i forget who the guy was ask ross. it was on trusting God, not being worried. check out psalm 37, matthew 6:33-34, and philippians 4:6. do not be anxious. do not fret. do not worry. God is in control folks! "every morning i wake up and i ask myself two questions, 1. is God as worried about today as i am? if the answer is yes i take two prozak and go back to bed. but the answer is never yes, its no. and the second question is if God isn't worried about today than why shoudl i be?" that was from the message last night in the van....isn't it great!?!?! we don't have to worry, God has our lives planned....He knows what He has for us, and He doesn't worry! so then....why do we?

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