Friday, March 30, 2007

five interesting or unknown facts about me

ok so i have been tagged by the beautiful nicki. she said she included me this time and if i dont do it she wont ever include me in anything ever again. so i had better do it! (haha nick i told you id put it in;))

1. my mom had to pick rocks out of my face after i fell out of a wagon i was riding down a hill at highspeeds:P(this wasn't the only time i had rocks picked from my flesh)

2. when i was little i made blue cookies, which were, if i remember, flour, white sugar and blue food colouring. oh, and i made my dad eat them;).

3. i used to play this game with my best friend sarah in grade 3, called jump dinky jump. ok so we named those old school pink erasers "dinky" and we'd bang on one end and make him jump across the table, and we'd say "jump dinky jump!" hahaha oh boy. the teacher eventually made us sit on opposite sides of the room, poor dinky couldnt jump that far.:(

4. i caught a crayfish with a flamming stick, threw him on the fire, waited until he was red, took him out and ate him;).

5. i won a fishing tournament when i was like 7...thats right, im awesome.

ok so like i tag....whos left ? lol ok shawn cuthill, jerry bolton, aj(just write it as a comment on my blog), val, and steve.


Anonymous said...

1) I don't like looking, touching or carrying keys. Especially bunches of keys. I also hate the noise that they make when they jingle. I don't know why this is, but they really creep me out. I don't have a set of house keys, when I go out, I don't lock the door, I just turn the alarm on... Mind you one key on a lan yard, isn't a big deal, but several keys on a keyring is just creepy. And, I'm not trying to be funny... I am dead serious.

2) When I was little I drank gasoline and didn't die. I don't know what the big deal was, everyone was freaking out and I had to go the hospital... I don't remember how much I drank, probably not a lot.

3) I don't get bored, but sometimes I lie to people and tell them that I am bored, just to strike up a conversation. It happens a lot.

4) I wouldn't admit, katie holmes had messed up eyes, because I was in love with her for a very long time.

5) I am really bad at math, even though I am brown :(

Anonymous said...

is there a time limit on this tag :)