Thursday, October 27, 2005


i can't get to your blog ...what is it? i clicked the cigar...which is ok cuz cigars are gross...but no blog either :( the 5th floor sucks, and i have been hearing a couple of stories too :S:S its hutch 5 maybe the part where the babies are born is clean...and maybe the patients are taken care of? i didn't know babies are born on that floor...anywya...just don't get sick and you should be just fine. i'll let you know more about my internship once i actually pick exactly what i am going to do first. i thnk the ultimate goal is to get younger peopole going to the church. so youth group, kids club, afterschool homework club, sunday school, contemporary worship night...lots of things we want to do, but we'll see if we can acclomplish anything. its all goign to basically left up to me which is scarey so please pray for me. i will also likely be joining the choir(scarey) and doing administartion stuff and a slew of other things..basically whever i am needed i will be, plus if i want to learn about something they will let me do that too. love you val, and can't wait 'till the baby comes... gonna' name him ziggy witt? or her psychy queen? ah the good solid names. my aunt got flown back to her home hospital in new market today, and i am goign to see her on the weekend. she is 32 weeks today, and i image the baby will be comming in the next few weeks, cuz the baby is putting pressure on the placenta and so pushing on her cervix and so its getting more likely that she is going to hemorage. the baby is about 4 lbs now, so hopefully she can make it 34 weeks, and the baby should be big enough to not have to stay in the hospital too long. they wont let me name their kid either:S ya'll are wimps! lol but i do know that he or she will be getting a LEAF jersy at a very young age...courtesy of mom and i! haha love you val!


Dennis and Valerie said...

wow- can't believe I'm the entire subject of a blog entry! Wooo hoooo! I feel loved.

That's pretty scary about your aunt's baby, but I'm glad that the baby is big enough to arrive safely.

I do have a blog but I don't post the link on purpose. Send D. an email at KLBC, and I'll have him email you the link, okey dokey?

Dennis and Valerie said...

You need to post a new blog so I don't have to see my name up at the top anymore! The novelty wore off and now I feel all self-conscious.