Tuesday, February 05, 2008

no news

so its been 2 months...i dont think much is new though....my brother's gf got a bunny....and it lives at my parents house...thats about it. i continue to make terrible decisoins, and to like boys who will never like me back. i dont fit in at work...some people are even mean to me because i am not smart. i miss home a lot..though it is nice having my own place sometimes. i had a birthday, got older...that sucks. i dont think i have much else to say. i hope things are well with all of you.


Unknown said...

Dear Cole, Sorry you are having difficulty. I don't think you don't fit in because you are not smart. My experience is that people who "witness" and read their bible at work are seen as perceiving themselves as perfect and looking down on others who are not perfect. We Christians all know that this could not be further from the truth - we all came to Jesus because of our terrible imperfection and need of the grace of God in our lives. Perhaps it would be better to put the Bible away at work and just be kind and gracious to all - take an interest in their families and children and their social lives - even though you might not agree with SOME of the social activities. Anyway, that has been my experience for what it is worth.

Love & prayers,


Unknown said...

Dear Cole, In reading over my comment, I was not saying that you are not smart. These people don't think you are dumb, they are just being cruel to you because they enjoy it. All workplaces are full of this kind of person, so don't feel you are unique in receiving this kind of treatment. Management should not allow it.

Just thought I should clarify my comments.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole, you seem like a great gal and if people can't see that or accept it then it's their problem not yours. It's hard to please everyone but if you just be yourself then the right people will be drawn to you. Hang in there ok.

Elizabeth Bunting said...

Exactly - she should just be her usual kind and caring self and eventually they will come around. They sound like some very unhappy people with their own lives.

Eventually some new employees will show up and the nerds will be rude to them and then Nicole can be kind and gracious to the new people. Maybe she will be able to turn the negative atmosphere around into a positive one.

Love & hugs,