Thursday, September 09, 2010


22 years and 4 months. thats how long i've known you. thats pretty much our entire lives. i can't even imagine what it would have been like without you. you were part of everything. i remember when i first met you E invited me over to play with you and i was so excited to make my first friend since moving. i think we were pretty much inseparable from that point on. you knew all my secrets...not that you always kept them secret! when i try to think of our good times my head nearly explodes because there are so many. i love you more than im supposed to i think. you're the only "sister" i have ever had. i remember when you mom paid me to babysit you guys...that was fun...i got paid to hang out with my best friend. i also got paid to baby sit someone taller than me...haha. those were good days...prank calls, zoodles and grilled cheese. so many good times were had in the pool too..."geek down the street" wearing a life jacket even though he could touch! playing mermaids, swapping bathing suits, swimming laps, you being the only one tall enough to get the ladder down...and my changing outside! remember the slip and slide? didn't even last a whole summer and your parents took it away. boo. remember playing in the sandbox? making terrible mixtures and trying to get katy to eat it? i think some of my favourite times with you when we were little was playing barbies. i loved barbies! and cabbage patch dolls. remember when we both fit on the small circle couch? i was sad to see that gem go! best couch ever. i know your favourite was uno...but if i recall correctly its because you pretty much always won. remember trick-or-treating? all those other schmucks walking and my dad driving us around...ha. remember freeze pops? yum! i will so never forget you driving your bike so fast the training wheels came flying off. oh my gosh and riding the wagon down the hill! ...and the picking of the rocks from my chin when i crashed it. i also remember you guys had the best back yard. like 4 swing sets and the pool and the sand box and the climbing tire. then as we got too old for that the trampoline came! didn't the boys jump off the garage roof onto it? man we were nuts. remember sneak swimming in the river so your parents didnt get mad that we weren't in the pool? remember singing together? praying together? the opening of fishing season! sleeping in the being real drunk. remember me threatening to throw that one guy in the river if he didn't leave you alone?! remember me being banned form being your date because holly hated me after i threatened to beat her up when you were in grade 8? remember going for runs together but i was slow and you were fast so you would jog ahead and come back? remember when we took the grandprix and you drove it into a tree at the movie store?! remember watching mike dance?! remember when he had a crush on me? :P oh boy. remember that time you got hurt playing rugby? i cried so much and had to play while crying haha. remember when my hair got chopped off and you put your clips in it to make it pretty? :) strip poker in my basement? sharing a slushy. sitting on the bench down town with a cosmo. banana popsicles. that time you insisted you would not burn, you put on a bikini and sat in the sun all day at my trailer...yeah you burned real nice. remember the time your daddy made US clean the pool after winter? man that was SICK. remember tuesdays and fridays figure skating and saturday morning bowling. remember our many crushes on like everyone! remember the fort? watching the boys play road hockey? me being in bed naked and you coming over and sitting on the end of it talking to me? remember always meeting and parting at the corner? the caterpillar tree?? ew. remember me always making you carry me? dirty dancing at school dances...and the teen dances! remember spending 7$ at Christmas? remember when we went away to school? and didn't see each other much anymore? :( remember talking on the phone when we could find time? remember when you told me they found tumors in your lungs and we cried in the parking lot at the mall... remember when you drove here for my birthday to surprise me? best birthday present ever. remember exploding chocolate sauce and me laughing in hysterics on the phone...then raymond having to clean it up...his punishment for making a terrible casserole. remember the best dance ever? remember the most wonderful lunch at reggies? so many more memories to come. God is in control. thank you for being my "sister" thank you for being part of everything in my life. i've never been so scared and so content at the same time. God really is in control. i love you belinda. my life would have been absolute crap without you.

Friday, September 03, 2010

not so bad...not so bad.

today i decided i like not being married, and i like not having kids. for now at least. i get to hang out with my friends whenever i want and i can fly by the seat of my pants. example, tonight i am having a mac and cheese party. woot.